for the love of plants
I'm a microgreen and mushroom farmer out of SW Virginia, and I sell my products at farmers markets in the area. I've got a knack for anything that grows, and I started this blog with the goal of helping my, um... not so green thumbed friends, and staying in touch with people who like what I grow! Thanks for the support!
How'd I get into Plants?
Good question! Glad you asked.
Basil is the culprit. When I was 14 I was watching YouTube. This video popped up, claiming that someone had unlocked an "infinite money glitch." It claimed: if you cut a basil plant at the right spot, and replant it back in soil, then it will grow roots, and turn into a new plant (the whole idea was: infinite plants= infinite money- to what extent that is true, I'll leave for you to decide).
I wasn't buying that crap. I really thought it was fake. I actually laughed a little bit.
"Oh thats some really good camera work! You made it look like those basil plants just multiplied in from of my own two eyes. Funny."
It wasn't a joke. Turns out propagation is a real thing. Who knew? I didn't!
Once I found out that plants could multiply (like what a novel idea right?), I was compeltly hooked. I have since been gifted a greenhouse from my lovely neighbor (and co-beekeeper). It has opened up lots of new opportunities for me to try growing new things- humidity is the most underrated thing in the entire universe. I'm now using it to grow my microgreens, which I sell at farmers markets.
I could talk about this forever, but I'm gonna shut up now so you can read my blog.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
@the_botaneer on Instagram